Awards Winners Articles

SOPA Announces 2015 Awards for Editorial Excellence Finalists!


(Below listings in alphabetical order of publication’s title)


1.     Excellence in Reporting on Women’s Issues (女性议题新闻奖)

Group A
Bloomberg LP, India maternal failure (Honorable Mention)
The International New York Times, Dispatches from China
The Wall Street Journal Asia, “No Good Choices:” A Maid’s Fight for Justice (Award for Excellence)

Group B
MINT, Human Trafficking Series (Award for Excellence)
Time Out Hong Kong, The Other Women (Honorable Mention)
The Jakarta Globe, For Victims of Indonesia’s 1965 Communist Purge, No Anger, but the Suffering Lingers

Group C
Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報, 從Erwiana被虐到本港印傭離鄉別井苦況系列報道 (Honorable Mention)
Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報, 無家的女性
Today/今周刊, Conquer three enemies being your own master: powerful roses/戰勝三個敵人做自己的主人鏗鏘玫瑰 (Award for Excellence)

2. Excellence in Digital News (卓越网络新闻奖) 

Group A
The International New York Times, “Searching for Burmese Jade, and Finding Misery” with the Video Feature, “Jade’s Journey Marked By Drugs and Death” (Award for Excellence)
The Wall Street Journal Asia, City of Imagination: The Kowloon Walled City
The Wall Street Journal Asia, What is Alibaba?  (Honorable Mention)

Group B, Zhou’s Power Base  (Honorable Mention)
South China Morning Post, Voices from Tiananmen: Eyewitnesses look back to the spring of 1989 (Award for Excellence)
The Straits Times, Ocean’s Fury: Are we ready?

Group C
CommonWealth Magazine Group/Cheers Magazine, Popular services industry/服務新貴,正夯!
CommonWealth Magazine/天下雜誌, 「北東協火熱崛起」數位專輯  (Honorable Mention)财新网, Zhou’s Power Base/周永康的人与财 (Award for Excellence)

3.      Excellence in Human Rights Reporting (卓越人权报导奖)

Group A
The International New York Times, The Ballad of Zakia and Mohammad  (Honorable Mention)
The International New York Times, The Plight of the Rohingya of Myanmar (Award for Excellence)
The Wall Street Journal Asia, “No Good Choices:” A Maid’s Fight for Justice

Group B
MINT, Why Dutee Chand can Change Sport (Award for Excellence)
Myanmar Times, Medical gap threatens lives in Rakhine  (Honorable Mention)
The Edge Review, Easy Prey

Group C
Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報, 雨傘運動  (Honorable Mention)
Business Weekly/商業周刊, 18 Doctors Denunciation: Don’t Sacrifice Human Lives/18位名醫最沉痛控訴 別把人命省掉了
Ming Pao/明報, 佔領事件系列報道 (Award for Excellence)

4.      Excellence in Feature Writing (卓越专题特写奖)

Group A
Bloomberg Businessweek, Cash Pads: Chinese Money Transforms a California Suburb
Bloomberg LP, Operation Yellowbird  (Honorable Mention)
Reuters, Exposing Asia s brutal slave trade (Award for Excellence)

Group B
COCONUTS MEDIA, Hidden in Plain Sight  (Honorable Mention)
Post Magazine, “Til death do us part?’ (Award for Excellence)
Prestige Hong Kong, A Suitable Boy

Group C
30雜誌, 30雜誌「The Giver」覺醒世代:1萬人1小時,改變台灣 1 (Award for Excellence)
Business Weekly/商業周刊, Invisible Home Care >> 2.2 Million People Resign Storm/隱形照護>>220萬人離職風暴  (Honorable Mention)
Ming Pao Weekly/明報周刊, 當生命走到盡頭 如何善終

5.      Excellence in Magazine Design (卓越杂志设计奖)

Group A (cancelled)*

Group B
Design 360o – Concept and Design Magazine, Design 360o Magazine: No.50 – Design Manifesto  (Honorable Mention)
Priority, Priority
Tasting Kitchen, TK13 Fruits Flowers & Bugs (Award for Excellence)

Group C
LEAP/艺术界, FIRST CLASS/乌龙学院  (Honorable Mention)
The Outlook Magazine/《新视线》, TOKYO, Volume I/东京(上) (Award for Excellence)

6.      Excellence in Lifestyle Coverage (卓越生活时尚报导奖)

Group A
Reuters, Everest tragedy exposes big business behind noble pursuit (Award for Excellence)
TIME, The Xinjiang Sound  (Honorable Mention)
TIME, China’s Road Show

Group B
South China Morning Post, Roam and board  (Honorable Mention)
The Phnom Penh Post, Reign of the quiet king (Award for Excellence)
The Phnom Penh Post, Cockfight Kingdom

Group C
CommonWealth Magazine/Cheers Magazine, The lifestyle after working/下班後新幸福學  (Honorable Mention)
LOHAS MAGAZINE/《LOHAS乐活》, Food and Ware/《食与器》 (Award for Excellence)
The Outlook Magazine/《新视线》, Game/游戏人生

7.      Excellence in Explanatory Reporting (卓越解释性新闻奖)

Group A
Reuters, Beijing’s stealthy advance towards Greater China (Award for Excellence)
The International New York Times, Dissecting China’s Anticorruption Campaign
The Wall Street Journal Asia, Deep Threat: China’s Submarines Add Nuclear-Strike Capability, Altering Strategic Balance  (Honorable Mention)

Group B
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in partnership with Ming Pao, People’s Republic of Offshore or China Leaks (Award for Excellence)
The Edge Review, Coup Confusion in Thailand  (Honorable Mention)
The Straits Times, Little India Riot: One year later

Group C
Business Weekly/商業周刊, Reveal Ko Wen-Je’s Limited Corporation/揭密 柯文哲股份公司 (Award for Excellence)
Business Weekly/商業周刊, Disclosure of Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services/服貿協議 完全解惑
CommonWealth Magazine/天下雜誌, 經濟有解  (Honorable Mention)

8.      Excellence in News Photography (卓越新闻摄影奖)

Group A
Bloomberg, Pro-Democracy Protests in Hong Kong (Award for Excellence)
Reuters, The Umbrella Man
TIME, The Rohingya, Burma’s Forgotten Muslims  (Honorable Mention)

Group B
COCONUTS MEDIA, The Umbrella Movement
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Home Street Home (Award for Excellence)
South China Morning Post, Occupy in pictures  (Honorable Mention)

Group C
Business Weekly/商業周刊, Get Along with Vietnam Tiger/與越南虎共處
Ming Pao/明報, 施襲遭制服  (Honorable Mention)
Ming Pao/明報, 警施催淚彈 (Award for Excellence)

9.      Excellence in Business Reporting (卓越经济报导奖)

Group A
Bloomberg Businessweek, The Chinese Government Is Getting Rich Selling Cigarettes
Reuters, Takata’s deadly air bags  (Honorable Mention)
The International New York Times, Alibaba and “The Jack Ma Way” (Award for Excellence)

Group B
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in partnership with Ming Pao, People’s Republic of Offshore or China Leaks (Award for Excellence)
Lloyds List, The hidden loans that sank Nanjing Tanker  (Honorable Mention)
MINT, The Nokia Story

Group C
CommonWealth Magazine/天下雜誌, 自由貿易 真相解密  (Honorable Mention)
CommonWealth Magazine/天下雜誌, 北東協火熱崛起 (Award for Excellence)
Today/今周刊, Taiwan’s golden pastry legend/台灣金磚奇蹟

10.  Excellence in Information Graphics (卓越资料图像奖)

Group A (cancelled)*

Group B
South China Morning Post, The height of social values  (Honorable Mention)
South China Morning Post, Dead in life, alive in death (Award for Excellence)
The Star, The MH17 Tragedy

Group C
CommonWealth Magazine/天下雜誌, 經濟有解  (Honorable Mention)
Sing Tao Daily/星島日報, Flood Relief System 世紀排洪 (Award for Excellence)
The Outlook Magazine/《新视线》, Japanese Survive/日本不沉没

11.  Excellence in Reporting Breaking News (卓越突发性新闻奖)

Group A
Bloomberg LP, Sewol Disaster (Award for Excellence)
Reuters, Hong Kong’s ‘Umbrella Revolution’  (Honorable Mention)
The International New York Times, Hong Kong Protests

Group B
South China Morning Post, Occupy
The Phnom Penh Post, Deadly crackdown  (Honorable Mention)
The Phnom Penh Post, HIV outbreak (Award for Excellence)

Group C
Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報, 馬航空難 (Award for Excellence)
Today/今周刊, Cost for earning one more dollar margin/多賺一塊錢的代價
Yazhou Zhoukan/亞洲週刊, Labour strike at the largest shoe-making factory in the world and the problems of immigrant worker welfare/世界最大鞋廠罷工 中國民工社保困局  (Honorable Mention)

12.   Excellence in Opinion Writing (卓越评论奖)

Group A
Bloomberg LP, Mishra – View
Financial Times, Life in China (Award for Excellence)
Financial Times, India’s 2014 election  (Honorable Mention)

Group B
Nikkei Asian Review, Thitinan Pongsudhirak  (Honorable Mention)
The Jakarta Globe, Outstanding editorial coverage by the Jakarta Globe (Award for Excellence)
The Jakarta Post, Endorsing Jokowi

Group C
Bloomberg Business Week  China/彭博商业周刊中文版, 政治权力,OUT啦!
Financial Times/FT中文网, The Third Road Xi’s Taking/习近平的第三条道路 (Award for Excellence)
Financial Times/FT中文网, Deng: The Doors He Opened and the Windows He Closed/邓小平打开的门和关上的窗  (Honorable Mention)

13.   Excellence in Editorial Cartooning (卓越漫画奖)

Group A (cancelled)*

Group B
South China Morning Post, Occupy (according to Harry) (Award for Excellence)
The Straits Times, Lessons for small states from Ukraine  (Honorable Mention)
The Straits Times, The soft containment of Russia

Group C
Headline Daily/頭條日報, 衝呀!!/Go Go Go (Award for Excellence)
Ming Pao/明報, 威脅新聞自由系列  (Honorable Mention)
Ming Pao/明報, 佔領運動系列

14. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment (卓越环境报导奖)

Group A
Bloomberg LP, The bleakest side of India’s modernization (Award for Excellence)
Reuters, In Jakarta, that sinking feeling is all too real  (Honorable Mention)
The Associated Press, Asbestos threat in India

Group B
Nikkei Asian Review, A future in drought (Award for Excellence)
Thomson Reuters Foundation, Water Shortages in India  (Honorable Mention)
Time Out Hong Kong, Reclaiming Hong Kong

Group C
Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報, 十面霾伏系列報道
CommonWealth Magazine/天下雜誌, 台灣離島SOS 誰偷了我的國土?  (Honorable Mention)
Ming Pao Weekly/明報周刊, 《靜土何處尋》(Award for Excellence)

15. Excellence in Feature Photography (卓越特写摄影奖)

Group A
The International New York Times, The Plight of the Rohingya (Award for Excellence)
TIME, The World’s Most Dangerous Room  (Honorable Mention)
TIME, Banish the Night

Group B
Myanmar Times, The Magwe oil fields
Tasting Kitchen, Refined by Time  (Honorable Mention)
Time Out Hong Kong, The Forgotten Cost of Domestic Help (Award for Excellence)

Group C
Modern Weekly/周末画报新闻版, The Copied Architecture/《建筑的赝品,时代的笑柄》
The Outlook Magazine/新視線, Special Issue of Tokyo, Volume I/东京(上)别册 (Award for Excellence)
Today/今周刊, Manor of Human/人的莊園  (Honorable Mention)

16. The Scoop Award (独家新闻奖)

Group A
Bloomberg LP, Japan Child Porn
Bloomberg LP, Deleting Drug Tests (Award for Excellence)
Reuters, Closing in on Zhou’s circle  (Honorable Mention)

Group B
GlobalPost, South Korea pulled strings as Cambodia’s military cracked down on protesters
Nikkei Asian Review, San Miguel proposes $10B airport for Manila  (Honorable Mention)
South China Morning Post, Crackdown in Macau (Award for Excellence)

Group C
Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報, 解放軍大帽山秘密建軍事雷達 (Award for Excellence)
Business Weekly/商業周刊, Hard Choices: Reliance on China makes Taiwan Vulnerable/抉擇 越倚賴中國,台灣越脆弱  (Honorable Mention)
Ming Pao/明報, 九龍城挖出千年宋元古井

17. Excellence in Investigative Reporting (卓越调查报导新闻奖)

Group A
Bloomberg LP, The bleakest side of India’s modernization  (Honorable Mention)
Financial Times, China in Africa: how Sam Pa became the middleman (Award for Excellence)
The International New York Times, Behind the sinking of the Sewol

Group B
Lloyds List, The hidden loans that sank Nanjing Tanker
Malaysiakini, The rise of the Johor royal family’s business empire (Award for Excellence)
The Phnom Penh Post, The calculus of logging  (Honorable Mention)

Group C
Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報, 高鐵延誤及超支系列報導  (Honorable Mention)
CommonWealth Magazine/天下雜誌, 台灣離島SOS 誰偷了我的國土
Ming Pao/明報, 權貴BVI離岸公司與利益衝突調查系列 (Award for Excellence)

18.  Journalist of the Year (年度记者奖)

Philippine Daily Inquirer, Nancy Carvajal (Award for Excellence)
The International New York Times, Jonah M. Kessel
TIME, Hannah Beech

*The categories marked cancelled were due to not receiving more than 5 entries.